What is the National Quality Standard?
The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets benchmarks for the quality of children’s education and care services in Australia. The NQS highlights the importance of children’s development and education as well as relationships with families. Services are assessed and rated against seven quality areas, 15 standards and 40 elements that make up the NQS. Each service receives an overall NQS rating and a rating for each of the seven quality areas.

What are the national quality standard ratings?
There are four overall ratings:

  • Significant Improvement Required
  • Working Towards National Quality Standard
  • Meeting National Quality Standard
  • Exceeding National Quality Standard

What rating has CPCK received?
In March 2024, CPCK was assessed by an assessment and compliance officer from the Department of Education. The outcome of this assessment process is that CPCK has been rated overall as ‘Meeting the National Quality Standard’.


Please see our ‘Links’ page for further information about the National Quality Standard including the 7 quality areas that form part of the NQF (National Quality Framework)


Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten acknowledges that we are located on the land of the First Nations people, possibly the Gayamaygal clan. But because the people from this area were displaced and their culture hidden, their history has been lost.

We sincerely pay our respects to past, present and future elders and ancestors of the Gayamygal and continue to share our sorrow about such painful history and we pledge to stand together with respect and the common goal of protecting the land and all of her inhabitants.


Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten Inc
41-43 Hall Avenue, Collaroy Plateau, NSW 2097
Telephone: 02 9982 6167
Website: www.cpck.com.au
ACNC Registered Charity Tick
© Copyright Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten Inc 2025. All rights reserved
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