Priority of Access

CPCK will follow the Priority of Access Guidelines at all times when enrolling children. The waiting list application will reflect these guidelines to ensure that enrolment at our Preschool is provided to families using these priorities.

Priority of access guidelines followed by state funded preschools are defined by NSW State Government funding agreements. In no particular order, these are:

1st Priority
In some cases a child who has attended CPCK for a year may complete an additional year at pre-school if it is deemed developmentally inappropriate for them to enter school.

2nd Priority
The decision to offer a special circumstance place is made by the Director in consultation with the:
• Parents of the child
• Children’s Service Advisor (from DECS)
• Appropriate professional personnel

3rd Priority
• Children who are at risk of harm
• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
• Children from low income families
• Children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
• Children with disabilities
• Socially isolated families

4th Priority
• Children in their year before school in the order of registration on the Waiting list.
The ‘year before school’ determines a preschool aged child with preference given to children who turn five by the 31st July in the year of Kindergarten attendance.

5th Priority
• Families who have had a sibling at the centre
• Children who are not of preschool age but whose parents(s) wish for them to attend Preschool for 2 years. This is dependent upon the wait list being exhausted of all children according to the Priority of Access Guidelines. However, fees for children who are not preschool age will be higher than for Preschool aged children. This is as a result of the NSW state government removing all funding for all non-equity 3 year old children from Community based Preschools and Kindergartens in October 2013.

CPCK endeavours to meet the needs of the children and families in our community while complying with the above guidelines.

Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten acknowledges that we are located on the land of the First Nations people, possibly the Gayamaygal clan. But because the people from this area were displaced and their culture hidden, their history has been lost.

We sincerely pay our respects to past, present and future elders and ancestors of the Gayamygal and continue to share our sorrow about such painful history and we pledge to stand together with respect and the common goal of protecting the land and all of her inhabitants.


Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten Inc
41-43 Hall Avenue, Collaroy Plateau, NSW 2097
Telephone: 02 9982 6167
ACNC Registered Charity Tick
© Copyright Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten Inc 2024. All rights reserved
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