
The fees are set by the CPCK Management Committee. For 2025 the fees are:

$75.73 per day for children turning 4 by 31st July in the year of attendance, prior to Fee Relief Funding being applied. 

‘Fee Relief/Affordable Preschool’ funding provided by the Department of Education for 2 days per week for 2025 is available for families who have completed a Fee Declaration advising they will claim the Fee Relief from our preschool. Fees for these families are $20 per day for 2 days per weekThose children who attend for 3 days are required to pay $20 per day for 2 days per week and $75.73 for the third day. 

Families who have not completed a Declaration Form, or who have indicated that they will claim the Fee Relief at another centre, will pay $75.73 per day for all days of attendance.

Additional Fee Relief (Equity Loading) is also available for children from ATSI background, or families who hold a Low Income Health Care Card or pension card. The amount per day for these families will depending on the amount of funding we receive.


Our funding agreement with Department of Education requires us to firstly offer spots to those children eligible to go to school the following year. If vacancies remain after all 4 year old children have been offered a position at our kindergarten, positions will then be offered to 3 year old children.

Fees are higher for children turning 4 after 31st July as the NSW State Government funds 3 year olds at 50% of the funding provided for 4 year olds.

Families of a 3 year old with a Low Income Health Care Card, Pension Card, who are from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background or the enrolled child has disability or additional needs will pay lower fees.

(4 yr old children means those children turning 4 by 31st July in the year of attendance.  3 yr old children means those children turning 4 after 31st July but before 31st December in the year of attendance).

A deposit of $500 is paid the year prior to a child starting at the pre-school. This is refunded at the end of the year and counts towards term 4 fees. If a child leaves prior to the end of the year, a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice in writing is required before the deposit is refunded. If your child stays for 2 years, then the deposit is held until the end of their final year at kindy.

Fees are paid by the term in payment and can only be paid by Internet Banking.  We do not accept payment by credit/debit card, cash or cheque.

Fee Relief

There are 2 types of fee relief available, depending on eligibility:

1. Fee Relief/Affordable Preschool funding is provided from the NSW Government through the Start Strong Affordable Preschool Initiative as part of the Early Years Commitment.

This funding is available to all families with children who are at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in the year of attendance and who are enrolled in a community or mobile preschool service Families may save up to $4,347 each year.

How the fee relief works:

  • The funding for your child’s fee relief will be provided to our service, directly from the NSW Government, and we will pass this fee relief on to you as a reduction to your fees.

  • You cannot receive fee relief at more than one early childhood education service.

The fee relief will be evenly allocated to you across the calendar year.

If your child will be attending another service that offers fee relief (another community preschool or a long day care service), you will need to choose which service you would like to receive fee relief from.

For 2025 this funding enables the preschool to provide 2 days of preschool at $20 per day per child.  Those children who attend for 3 days are required to pay full fees for the third day.

More information on this funding can be found here.

2. We also receive additional fee relief funding called ‘Equity Loading’ for children whose family holds a Low Income Health Care Card, Pension Card or whose heritage is from an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background.  This additional funding allows us to further reduce fees for these families.

Child Care Subsidy

CPCK is a preschool and is funded by the NSW State Government. Families attending a preschool such as our service cannot claim any Childcare Subsidy.  The Childcare Subsidy is only available for families using an approved service such as Long Day Care facilities who are federally funded.

Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten acknowledges that we are located on the land of the First Nations people, possibly the Gayamaygal clan. But because the people from this area were displaced and their culture hidden, their history has been lost.

We sincerely pay our respects to past, present and future elders and ancestors of the Gayamygal and continue to share our sorrow about such painful history and we pledge to stand together with respect and the common goal of protecting the land and all of her inhabitants.


Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten Inc
41-43 Hall Avenue, Collaroy Plateau, NSW 2097
Telephone: 02 9982 6167
Website: www.cpck.com.au
ACNC Registered Charity Tick
© Copyright Collaroy Plateau Community Kindergarten Inc 2025. All rights reserved
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